FudThong is a pumpkin covered box. The meaning of FudThong is quite auspicious as it was used as a form of wealth equivalent to gold. Therefore, Thai people often brought pumpkins to offer to Buddha for them to receive blessings of wealth, happiness, and good luck.
Formerly the small pumpkin box contained skincare and face powders used on the dressing tables of female consorts or was used as a miniature accessory box. Nowadays, this intricate decorative painted covered box can be used as the invaluable keepsake urns for containing a small portion of the loved ones as Thai people contain the lord Buddha’s bone ashes and the ancestors’ ashes for worship, remembrance, and memories.
KarnYang design is a traditional Thai heritage pattern of the trellis and crossed stalk design which was in effect influenced from the PhumKaoBin pattern which resembles motifs of ears of paddy and tropical leaves but KarnYang is adapted lines to be more angular in shape. The design itself creates part of a trellis together with curved lines, then it is suitable for those looking for a delicate pattern, which has been in use since King Rama II’s reign (1809-1824). The various colors are of a much gentler light green and/or soft pink background making the design attractive and unique. This KarnYang design is implied in the exuberant life.