In joy or sadness flowers are our constant friends. - Okakura Kakuzo -
Flowers can help brighten the atmosphere and relieve the sadness of a loss. The luxurious hand-painted vase is most attractive and can be used for flowers or for decoration alongside with the urn and other pieces for a harmonious combination in any section of your home.
This cylindrical vase in Extreme shape is a suitable size with a narrow straight body, which can be used to put a bouquet of flowers.
DokMaiKhod design consists of a contemporary pattern of twisted flowers that is a swirling vine of Thailand called “SroiFah” which is the Passifloraceae or Passionflower. This flower consists of pink and purple colors. It is also influenced by Indian art blended to build up colorful lines. The swirling vine flower pattern also incorporates the “KaNok” design (The basic Thai pattern from the flame shape) which consists of double corners and a famous Thai art to adapt to the colorful design of flowers to cause delicacy in accordance with various lines in Thai art. This DokMaiKhod design implies to the center of conciliation and peace.